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<title>Flash Video Player</title>
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<h2>Flash Video Player</h2>
<table width="600">
<td>I <a href="http://jeroenwijering.com/?item=Flash_Video_Player">downloaded</a> the Flash Video Player I am using on my website. If you want your
own copy of this player to play FLV files on a webpage you can get it there or you can click on <a href= "video/flvplayer.swf">flvplayer.swf</a> with the <i>
right</i> mouse button and select <i>Save&nbsp;Link&nbsp;(or Target)&nbsp;As...</i> to get this one. Occasionally you will download a flash file
that won't show the progress on the slider in the player. You can fix this with <a href="http://www.buraks.com/flvmdi/" class="green">FLV&nbsp;MetaData&nbsp;Injector</a>.

<img src="images/clearspacer.gif" height="10"><br>

<table width="650">
<li><a href="cgi-bin/print_source.pl?src=../flv_player.html" class="blueul" onClick=
"javascript:windowOpener(this.href,this.target,'width=1000,height=700,left=25,top=100,scrollbars=1');return false;">View the source</a> of this page if you want to see how I am using it here.
<li>Go to my <a href="program.html#showvideos" class="blueul">Programming</a> page if you want to see how I am using it in popups on my website.

<img src="images/clearspacer.gif" height="20"><br>

<b>Stanley Clarke - School Days</b>
<td valign="top" width="10%" align="center">
<span title="Stanley Clarke - School Days">
<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="500" height="375" wmode="transparent"
data="video/flvplayer.swf?file=Stanley Clarke - School Days.flv&autostart=true">
<param name="movie" value="video/flvplayer.swf?file=Stanley Clarke - School Days.flv&autostart=true" />
<param name="wmode" value="transparent" />

<br><img src="images/clearspacer.gif" height="10"><br>

<table width="600">
<td>I made this video clip from a DVD I own of the concert <a href="http://www.allaboutjazz.com/php/article.php?id=18425"
class="green"><i>Live&nbsp;at&nbsp;Montreux&nbsp;1994</i></a>. To pause it in this player you can click the little pause icon on the left end of the
control bar or you can just click on the video itself. Either pause method puts a little <i>unpause</i> icon on the video.

